Module 5: Simple Sentences      


5.3        Infinitives and Gerunds

Day 1    Overview



As we learned before, only one main verb can be used in a simple sentence. Then how can we use two or even three verbs in a simple sentence? In this situation, we have to use the infinitive or gerund form instead of the base form of the verb.

正如我們曾經學習過每一句簡單句子都只可用一個主要動詞那我們怎樣才可以在一句簡單句子中使用兩或三個動詞呢? 在這個情況下我們要使用不定詞或動名詞來代替動詞的原形


Let’s look at some examples.

Wrong examples


I like eat apples.

I like eating apples. / I like to eat apples

She hates go to school.

She hates going to school. / She hates to go to school.

I want buy a new book.

I want to buy a new book

My father decided visit Beijing next year.

My father decided to visit Beijing next year.


1. A gerund is a verb that functions as noun. Its basic form is v + ing. It can be used as subject, object, predicate or attribute in a sentence.

e.g.: Smoking is not allowed here.

We practice speaking English every day.

They just bought a new swimming pool.

    動名詞是一個有名詞作用的動詞動名詞的基本原形是動詞+ ing它可以用在句中作主語賓語補語或限定詞


    Some common verbs and phrases can be followed by gerunds,


e.g. admit, celebrate, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, remember, risk, suggest, stop, keep on, give up.

e.g.: We celebrated winning the competition.

I dislike complaining.

I imagine being a waitress is a difficult job.

Don't stop singing; it's really nice.

She wants to give up drinking coffee.

If you keep on doing the same thing, you'll get the same results.


2. The infinitive is made of to and the verb. It can be used as subject, object, objective complement, attribute, or adverbial

    modifier in a sentence.  

    不定詞是由 to 和動詞組合而成它可以用來作句子中的主語賓語賓語補語限定詞或副詞修飾語

For example:

I want to learn a new language.

John is always the first one to get to the office.


There are four sentence patterns. 這裡有四句句型:

(1). It takes (somebody) (some time) to do (something)/

(2). It costs (somebody) (some money) to do (something)

       e.g.: It took her three hours to mend her bike.

              It will cost you fifty dollars to fly to Paris.


(3). It is + adj. /n. + to do something

       e.g.: It’s necessary to ask her for help.

              It’s a pleasure to talk to you.


(4). It is + adj. of somebody to do something

       e.g.: It’s kind of you to help me with my English.

Verbs are often followed by infinitives or gerunds and choosing which to use has few fixed rules, it depends mainly on the individual verb.動詞後面經常有不定詞或動名詞至於應該何時用哪一類詞則有固定的規則一般都是按動詞而決定的

Some common verbs that can be followed by infinitives include the following一些常用的動詞後面會跟有不定詞, 包括: aim, afford, agree, decide, deserve, forget, hope, learn, mean, need, offer, plan, pretend, seem, refuse, promise.