Module 2: Formation of words               


2.1 Formation of words

Day 4: Easily Confused Words


In English, there are a number of words which are easily confused. The solution for making less or no mistakes with these similar or confusing words is to use your dictionary more often. More exercises will certainly help.



Here are some examples of easily confused words:


1. Advice, Advise

Advice is a suggestion of how to act so it is a noun


Advise means to suggest to another person a course of action or behaviour so it is a verb



e.g.  May I offer you a piece of advice on handling stress?

        Please advise me on selecting a university.


2. Affect, Effect

Affect is a verb meaning “to influence” or “to have a bearing upon


Effect is both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it means “to bring to pass”; as a noun, it means “result



e.g.   How this weather will affect the crops is uncertain.

We hope to effect(verb) a solution to the impasse.

The effect(noun) of loud noise on hearing ability is well known.


3. Cloth, Clothes

Cloth refers to fabric.  Cloth指的是織物.

Clothes refers to items such as dresses and trousers that you wear to cover, protect or decorate your body. 衣服指的是像裙子,褲子用來穿,遮擋,裝飾身體的東西.


e.g. Ronald was wearing a cloth shirt made of fine linen.

She usually wears smart/casual clothes.


4. Decided, Decisive

Decided can be an adjective or a verb, as an adjective it means “definite, unquestionable, emphatic” and as a verb it is the past tense of the verb ‘decide’ which means ‘to choose’;

Decisive means “final, conclusive, beyond any doubt




e.g. John made a decided effort to locate the missing dinosaur bones.

      Tim decided to got to school by bus.

      The chairman cast the decisive vote.


5. Differ from, Differ with

Use “differ from” to indicate that two separate items are different.

differ from來表示兩個東西是不同的.

Use “differ with” to indicate disagreements.

differ with表示不同意.


e.g.   My pencil case differs from yours.

You may differ with me if you wish.


6. Emigrate, Immigrate

Emigrate means “to move out of a country


Immigrate means “to move into a country



e.g. My new neighbor is an immigrant from South America.

Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the nineteenth century.


7. Good, Well

Good is properly a noun or an adjective; do not use good as an adverb


Well may function as either an adjective or an adverb, depending upon the meaning of the sentence.



e.g. She looks good in her new dress.

(Good follows the linking verb looks and modifies she.)

The choir sings well.

(Well is an adverb, modifying sings.)


8. Passed, Past

Passed means “exceeded, gained the lead” or “cause someone to receive something.”


Past means “(in) a bygone time



e.g. No one has passed the English examination as it was too difficult.

Automobiles were much easier to work on in the past.


9. Practical, Practicable  

Practical means “useful, not theoretical.”


Practicable means “capable of being put into practice



e.g. A screwdriver is a very practical tool to own.

Susan presented a very practicable solution to the problem.


10. Principal, Principle

Principal means “first, leader, chief


Principle means a general truth, a basic law, moral standard



e.g. That was my principal reason for moving.

       The country is run on socialist principles.


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