Module 1: Basic Elements 基本元素                  


1.1 Parts of Speech 詞類


Day 1: Overview


Learning about Parts of Speech is the first step when studying grammar.  Being able to recognize the different ‘Parts of Speech’ or ‘word classes’ helps us to understand the use of words and how words are joined together to communicate. When you look up a word in the dictionary, you can always find what part of speech the word is, as well as finding its meaning. This piece of information can help you to use the word properly.

學習詞類是學習文法的第一步. 懂得分辨不同的詞類, 可以幫助我們去明白如何使用那些字詞, 明白怎樣把字詞連繫起來做成有意思的溝通. 當你從字典中翻查生字時, 你永遠可以找到詞類這一欄, 當然你會找到字的意思. 這些資料都可以幫助你去正確使用這些字詞.



  There are eight different parts of speech altogether: 八大詞類是:

  • Verbs (動詞)

  • Nouns (名詞)

  • Pronouns (代名詞)

  •  Adjectives (形容詞)

  • Adverbs (副詞)

  •   Prepositions (Function words) (介詞)

  •  Conjunctions (Function words) (連接詞)

  •  Interjections (Function words) (感嘆詞)


We are going to look at them one by one, studying their definitions and the problems associated with them. 我們會逐一看看各種詞類的定義, 還會看看一些學習它們時會遇到的問題.

Today, we will talk about VERBS first. 今天就先由動詞看起吧!




A verb is an action word; it usually describes an action or a state of being. It is the heart of a sentence – every sentence must have at least one verb. Recognising the verb is the most important step to understand the meaning of a sentence.

一個動詞 ,是一個行動詞 ; 它通常描述一個行動或一個存在的狀態. 它是一個句子的中心,每一句句子都必須至少有一個動詞 . 辨別動詞是最重要的一步來理解一句話的含義.



1. Transitive verbs

Transitive verbs are verbs that take a direct object; they serve as a transition between the subject and the direct object.

及物動詞是一種會涉及直接賓語的動詞; 它們可以作為主體和直接賓語之間的過渡.

e.g. Miss Wong (subject) told an interesting story (object) yesterday.


2. Intransitive verbs

Intransitive verbs describe actions that cannot take a direct object


e.g. John will arrive soon.


3. Copulative verbs

Copulative verbs are usually followed by a modifier or a noun that is necessary to complete the meaning of the sentence


 -- The Verb “to be” (動詞 " to be ") (e.g. am, is, are, were, been) 

 -- Linking Verbs (連接動詞) (e.g. appear, look, sound, smell, taste, etc.)


4. Auxiliary verbs

Auxiliary verbs combine with main verbs to express various shades of meaning


-- Primary auxiliaries e.g. be, have and do

-- Modal auxiliaries(情態動詞)e.g. may, can, should, would, must, etc.

-- Marginal auxiliaries (半語氣助動詞)e.g. need, ought to, used to, etc.

-- Semi-auxiliaries (auxiliary-like verbs) (半助動詞)e.g. have to, had better, be going to, etc.


Tense and Aspects 時態

‘Tenses’ refer to the time when the action takes place; 關於事件是何時發生

‘Aspects’ refer to the states of the action.  關於事件的狀態.


Aspect Tenses

Simple (base form)


(be + ing)


(have + en)

Perfect Continuous

(have + be-en + ing)



write/writes has/have written am/is/are writing has/have been writing


wrote had written was/were writing had been writing


will write will have written will be writing will have been writing


Moods 語氣

1. The indicative mood

The indicative mood is used to state a fact or to ask a question.  This is the mood used for most sentences.

敘述 (事實) 語氣是用來說明一個事實或發問 . 這語氣用於大多數句子.

e.g. I visited my grandmother last Sunday.

       Have you met Jane before?


2. The imperative mood

The imperative mood is used to make a command, state a request, or make a suggestion


e.g. Please give me some advice.

       Stop talking!


3. The subjunctive mood

The subjunctive mood is used to express a wish, a supposition, a prayer or a doubt

假設語氣表達一項願望, 一個猜想,祈禱,或者疑問

e.g. I wish I were rich.

       He acts as if he were insane.


Negation 否定

There are several ways of making a sentence negative.



1. Adding “not” or “n’t”  加入“not”“n’t”

e.g. You should not drink too much wine.

(In this example the negative is added to the verb.) 這例子是把動詞變成否定


2. Adding “no” 加入“no”

e.g. I have no clue what you are talking about.

(In this example the negative is added to the noun.) 這例子是把名詞變成否定


3. “Double negatives” contain two negative ideas; these two negatives cancel each other out.

We have a common phrase ‘two negatives make a positive’. 雙重否定即是句中有兩個元素都被否定了, 而它們的否定意義就相互刪除了. 正如俗語所說, “負負得正”.

e.g. I don’t have nothing to do today. (= I do have something to do today.)

I don’t dislike him. (= I like him a little.)


Subject-verb agreement  主謂一致

The subject and the verb of a sentence must agree with each other. If the subject is plural, that should be reflected in the verb form (regardless of tense or mood). (For the detailed rules, please refer to the topic 5.1“Subject-verb agreement”.)

在一句句子中主語和動詞必須一致. 即是說,如果主語是複數 ,那麼就應該反映在動詞, 即它也應該是複數動詞 (不論時態) . (詳細規,請參閱5.1“Subject-verb agreement”一課) .


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